
Benefits of Reflexology

The proven benefits of reflexology include: 
• Creation of relaxation
• Reduction in pain
• Amelioration of symptoms of health concerns
• Improvement in blood flow
• Impact on physiological measures
• Enhancement of medical care
• Complement to cancer care
• Adjunct to mental health care
• Post-operative recovery and pain reduction 
• Easier delivery and post-partum recovery.

Making You Feel Good 


From the moment the reflexologist’s hands start their work, the relaxation begins. 

Measuring real-time as reflexology is applied, an EEG shows that the brain immediately goes into a more relaxed state as reflexology work commences. 

Reflexology creates a relaxation effect as demonstrated in 24 research studies showing positive changes as shown by measurements of: brain waves (EEG) (5 studies), blood pressure (14 studies), pulse rate (8 studies), and anxiety (9 studies).

Pain Reduction 

A single reflexology session reduces the onset of pain as well as increases tolerance to pain. 

Those who received a single reflexology session were more able to forestall the perception of pain when hands were immersed in ice water and were able to withstand the pain for a longer period of time.

Pain reduction following reflexology work is documented in 27 studies including research showing impact on individuals of all ages and health states: birthing mothers; menstruating women; sinusitis, phantom limb and lower back pain sufferers; diabetes, cancer and kidney stone patients; senior citizens and individuals with pain following surgery.

Boosting Your System 

Amelioration of Symptoms from Health Concerns 

Research shows that reflexology work helps individuals of all ages and
with some 78 health concerns.

A survey of 169 studies from 21 countries found reflexology to be 80% effective in its testing over 78 disorders. Good results were produced as symptoms were ameliorated for health concerns stemming from tension (e. g. elevated blood pressure, anxiety, constipation, headaches, labor times for the pregnant) and pain relief. Further responses (e. g. for those with asthma, diabetes, cholesterol, incontinence) were found to require an appropriate number and frequency of sessions. Research shows reflexology provided by a partner or self-help application bolsters the reflexologist’s efforts and/or is beneficial

Research using advanced technology shows specific reflexology work impacts specific parts of the brain and body.

Enhancement of Medical Care 

Reflexology helps many where nothing else can: phantom limb pain sufferers, neuropathy patients, and hemodialysis patients to name a few. 

Research demonstrates that reflexology benefitted patients undergoing medical care for: cancer (side effects of chemotherapy), phantom limb effects (pain), peripheral neuropathy (blood flow to the feet), diabetes (blood glucose levels) and hemodialysis treatments (kidney functions).

Helping Your Body Work Better 

Improvement in Blood Flow 

Research using advanced technology shows specific reflexology work impacts specific parts of the brain and body.

There are reasons why reflexology gets results and improvement in blood flow is seen as one of them. Studies measuring blood flow in the brain using fMRI technology found that reflexology applied to a reflex area in the foot increased blood flow in the part of the brain related to that part of the body (e. g. intestine reflex area and intestines). Doppler sonogram measurements showed improved blood flow to the intestines when technique was applied to the intestine reflex area as well as with technique applied to the kidney reflex area and the kidneys. Such research provides explanation for studies showing the positive impact of reflexology applied over time on constipation and kidney function.

Impact on Physiological Measures

Research shows that reflexology influences measurements of the body’s functions. 

Research provides an objective yardstick to measure reflexology’s effects and explain its benefits with measurements of blood pres- sure and cholesterol as well as those indicated by ECG, EEG, fMRI and Doppler sonogram (heart activity, brain activity, blood flow to the brain and blood flow within the body.)

Helping You through a Special Time 

Adjunct to Mental Health Care 

Research demonstrates that reflexology can reduce depression (11 studies)
and anxiety (9 studies).
In addition, women in need of emotional support, hospice residents, and individuals with severe and enduring mental health problems were helped by reflexology work.

Cancer Care 

Following reflexology work, chemotherapy patients showed improvements in: pain, nausea, vomiting, and/or anxiety. Reflexology serves as a complement to cancer care easing effects of chemotherapy as demonstrated by thirty-four studies from around the world.

Beneficial for Post-operative Pain Reduction and Recovery 

Reflexology helps post surgically. 

Fifteen studies demonstrate post-operative recovery improvements: reduced pain, lessened use of post operative pain killers and earlier return of urination and bowel movements.

Easier Delivery and Post-partum Recovery 

Women who received reflexology showed shorter labor times and used less analgesia.

Reflexology aided in concerns during delivery (retention of placenta, primary inertia) as well as postpartum depression and anxiety.

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