Reflexology, Health at Your Fingertips

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Complete Reflexology for Life

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The complete book of reflexology use. Color-photo illustrated instructions guide you through foot reflexology and hand reflexology application: basic techniques, how to apply foot reflexology to yourself or another, how to apply hand reflexology to yourself or another, how to use self- help foot reflexology tools, how to use hand reflexology self-help tools. In addition, you�ll find full session patterns for each. Fully illustrated instructions guide you through work with every stage of life including babies, children, teenagers, senior citizens, men women and pregnant women. Minisessions focus your efforts for recovery from injury, easing pain, first aid and relieving stress. Included are directions for soothing tired feet, yours or another�s, as well as working to better foot concerns. Instructions to rejuvenate the hands and work with hand concerns are included as well. Also included are how to address: health concerns, systems of the body (e. g. the digestive system) and each body part listed on a reflexology chart (e.g stomach). (224 pages)

356 pages, DK Publishing

I have searched reflexology books for years and have purchased many. This is the best book on reflexology on the market! It includes both hands and feet with detailed descriptions and easy to follow healing techniques. The pictures make it easy to pinpoint locations on the feet and hands. Do not hesitate, this book is worth the purchase!!

Cathy Smith

The Kunz's have again produced a book that is colorful, easy to use and full of informattion with pictures and charts that are easy to follow. This book contains not only information for foot and hand reflexology, but I like the section on reflexology for every life stage especially. It gives the professional clear information for helping people where ever they are in life. They give clear instructions for self-help which I find helps the client become a partner with me as the reflexologist.

E. Slyvester

Reflexology, Health at Your Fingertips

Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertips

Color photographs highlight this complete description of reflexology. Reflexology's history, theory, and benefits are included. Color photos illustrate basic technique instructions as well as full session patterns for how to apply reflexology to someone else�s feet and hands. Simple self-help instructions as well as directions for working with those of various ages. A special chapter targets where to focus for health concerns. (160-pages)

Paperback: 160 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.47 x 9.42 x 7.26

Publisher: Dk Pub Merchandise; 1st edition (May 2003)

ISBN: 0789493535

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Stand Up and Take a Bow...Bravo! , May 3, 2003

Reviewer: M.Harrison ID.,C.R.P from Ontario, Canada

I am a Certified Reflexology Practitioner. I just received this book...I LOVE IT. Great guide for teachers, students, practitioners and for those who wish to learn Reflexology for personal and family use. Informative and easy to grasp!

Hand Reflexology: Simple Routines For Health and Relaxation

Hand Reflexology

A complete description of hand reflexology with history, theory and benefits of reflexology. Howto color-photo illustrated instructions for basic techniques, working with another or oneself, and session patterns. Special chapters target health concerns and hand concerns. (160-pages)

  • Step-By-Step Photographs show complete routines for hand reflexology workouts plus tips and techniques
  • Hand Reflexology for specific health and hand concerns such as asthma and RSI conditions associated with everyday work
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    My Reflexologist Says Feet Don't Lie

    My Reflexologist Says Feet Don't Lie

    A self-guided tour to read your own feet and see what they have to say about you. Color photos of others� feet serve as examples and for comparison with your own feet. Match your feet with the foot reflexology chart and relate your findings to reflex areas. Longer second toe, for example, consider: how is your energy level? How-to technique instructions as well as research information. (96 pages)

    Paperback: 96 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.24 x 8.52 x 5.52

    Publisher: Reflexology Research Project; (August 6, 2001)

    ISBN: 0960607072

    Midwest Book Review

    My Reflexologist Says Feet Don't Lie by professional reflexologists Kevin and Barbara Kunz is a brief, easily understandable introduction and overview to the subject of foot reflexology, which is the practice of stimulating pressure sensors in the feet to promote better health and wellness. Drawing upon their twenty-five years of reflexology experience, Kevin and Barbara Kunz write in language easily accessible to any lay reader wanting to learn more about this historic and venerable health practice. Black-and-white photographs as well as a color photograph section illustrate the many points to be made about human feet. My Reflexologist Says Feet Don't Lie is highly recommended for anyone curious about reflexology and its benefits.

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    The Complete Guide to Foot Reflexology (Revised)

    Complete Guide to Foot Reflexology

    The Complete Guide to Foot Reflexology (Third Edition) , Kunz & Kunz , 2005 Classic text for learning reflexology. It revolutionized the way reflexology was taught and learned when it was first published in 1980. Now in its third edition, it is fully illustrated with black and white drawings as well as a color photo section. It includes learning tools for reflexology�s: history, theory, charts, how to do techniques, how to provide a session, and patterns of technique application for specific health concerns. Unique to The Complete Guide are fully illustrated chapters detailing how to assess the foot and apply the assessment in the treatment procedure standard to the medical profession, the S.O.A.P.P. Formula (subjective information, objective information, assessment, plan, prevention). (224 pages)

    Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.56 x 8.94 x 7.41

    Publisher: Reflexology Research Project; Revised edition (2005)

    ISBN: 0960607013

    ...I found your book to be the best reference in the field, It had the only clear, and precise methodology, and believe me it was refreshing to find some work that went step by step from philosophy, technique, and practice"....

    ... I must say your instructions are more specific and easier to comprehend. Your "stress cues" are brilliant. It has given me a lot of confidence and understanding of this wonderful method of natural health. Your book has become my "Foot Bible." RC

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    Hand and Foot Reflexology: A Self Help Guide

    Hand and Foot Reflexology: A Self Help Guide

    Hand and Foot Reflexology: A Self Help Guide (1985); (Revised, 1999) Hand and Foot Reflexology: A Self Help Guide describes how to apply reflexology to the hands. Included are chapters fully illustrated with black and white line drawings: how to apply techniques, study the hand reflexology chart, assess the hands, and apply a session. (160 pages)

    Paperback: ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.59 x 9.99 x 7.90

    Publisher: Simon & Schuster (Paper); (April 1992)

    ISBN: 0671763199

    "It was our most stolen book so we started selling it."
    Planetree Health Resource Library of San Francisco

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    Hand Reflexology Workbook (Revised)

    Hand Reflexology Workbook

    Hand Reflexology Workbook, How to work on someone's hands (1985); (Revised, 1999) Hand Reflexology Workbook describes how to apply reflexology to the hands. Included are chapters fully illustrated with black and white line drawings: how to apply techniques, study the hand reflexology chart, assess the hands, and apply a session. (160 pages)

    Paperback: 208 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.09 x 8.57 x 7.09

    Publisher: Reflexology Research Project; Revised edition (1999)

    ISBN: 0960607048

    Newly revised with 208 illustrations. The only hand reflexology book has gotten better with new information:

    Anatomy and Physiology of the hand including disorders

    Read the hand assessment and assessment session

    Table of disorders matched to reflex areas

    Update of professional issues

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    Reflexology Research, P.O. Box 35820, Albuquerque, NM 87176-5820 e-mail: Click here Tel. 1-505-344-9392

    �Kunz and Kunz 2009

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