During Labor


Reflexology use during labor


Reflexology use during labor helps with an easier and more natural child birth:

    • less pain during labor and less use of an analgesia
    • less pain creates an easier choice of a vaginal birth rather than a Cesarean section
    • helps intensify contractions and create shorter labor duration


Intensity of pain during labor lessened with an hour reflexology session during the active phase of labor and then a short 6 minute session during dilatation 0-10 cm.

Also impacted significantly for those who receive reflexology work during labor:

    • type of delivery (vaginal instead of Cesarean)
    • anxiety during labor
    • primary inertia
    • Apgar score (general physical condition of the newborn infant: heart rate, respiration, muscle tone, skin color, response to stimuli)
    • hemorrhage rate
    • avoiding surgery for retention of placenta

For how-to instructions for reflexology techniques with full color photos and illustrations, see Complete Reflexology for Life by Barbara and Kevin Kunz.

Medical Applications of Reflexology: Findings in Research about Post- operative Care, Maternity Care, and Cancer Care by Barbara and Kevin Kunz provides research information for post-operative patients, loved ones and researchers wanting full information about reflexology use with post-operative care. Included is how detailed information and analysis from post-operative studies around the world.

The most comprehensive site about Foot and Hand Reflexology