Reflexology Paths of Malaysia


The reflexology paths of Malaysia are most notable for where they are found virtually everywhere, spreading throughout the culture with the most diverse use of reflexology paths of any country.

In Malaysia, if you build it, be sure to include a reflexology path or so one might think whenreviewing them. Paths are found in: city parks, national forest parks, hospitals, hot springs resorts, spa resorts, commercial developments, housing developments, and group homes for special children and the elderly. We counted thirty paths noted below and didn’t bother to keep track of how many condominiums included a reflexology path—they all do and there are lots of them.

Great stone work, lovely designs and pleasant surroundings are hall marks of the reflexology paths.

Like paths in other countries, most paths are situated in multi-use areas where there are many activities, for example, playgrounds, jogging paths, hot springs, hiking trails, and /or swimming pools. Surroundings include landscaped park settings or forested nature. Reflexology paths built for particular groups—at hospitals, facilities for special children or residences for the elderly—show reflexology paths situated alongside the institution and tailored for the group with hand rails.

Cobblestone path predominate. Many are artistically designed with patterns or various colored cobblestones. Common underfoot materials include cobblestones, rounded wood or concrete halves, larger stones set in grave.

Reflexology Path at Changwon has the cutest picture ever of kids walking on a reflexology path.

Hot Spring Parks

Sungai Klah Hot Springs Park

A special treat at this hot springs park is hot spring water flowing over the cobblestoned walkway.

“A Water Reflexology Path full of Reflexology Stones where the Hot Spring Water is constantly flowing on top.” Also available are a “pebbled reflexology path” and “a pool in which to dip your feet.” Intriguing are the stations of bubbling spring water in which to boil eggs to observe the water’s temperature.

“A healing centre at the foothill of the Titiwangsa Range, the Sungai Klah Hot Springs Park in Sungkai, Perak, is one of the best managed hot springs in the country….

  • Sungai Klah attracts both locals and foreigners, including the Taiwanese, Japanese and Koreans.
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  • Many come to seek a cure for their skin disorders, rheumatism, arthritis, insomnia, respiratory troubles, blood circulation and other ailments….
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  • Since the official opening in 2003, it gets some 20,000 visitors each month. It is packed on weekends, when the hot springs are open from 8am till 10pm. …
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  • Its manager Mohd Zainuddin Masduki says: ‘Visitors, especially those from Ipoh, Trolak, Slim River and nearby areas, come in just one or two hours before closing time. Then there are those who make a quick dash in after office hours.’…
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  • The entrance fee of RM5 (US$1.45) for adults, RM4 for senior citizens and RM3 for children offers access to the swimming and therapeutic pools, water reflexology course , family baths etc. There’s also a pebbled reflexology path and a pool in which to dip your feet.”


Testing and a Building Boom for Stroll Paths
by Barbara and Kevin Kunz

Stroll Paths: “A garden is a place where human kind has exerted influence over nature.” The Stroll Path is a walkway where you choose what to walk on to influence your body. … Factories in Japan use Reflexology Stroll Paths for the good of their employees’ health.(The Stroll Path, Kunz and Kunz)

Scientific testing has been done on the Stroll Path manufactured by a Japanese company. Temperature and circulation were measured following the use of a Stroll Path for five minutes. Thermography was utilized to record the change in the feet’s temperature before and after walking on embedded-rock-like surface of the Stroll Path.

Japanese cosmetics company Shiseido had built Stroll Paths at one factory for its employees health rather than a gym/health club. Every rock, log and bridge in the stroll path is designed to work a particular part of the foot. A bridge is intended to stimulate the toes of the foot, for example. The project has proven to be so successful that Shiseido has hired a construction company to manufacture and install stroll paths. The Stroll Paths are sold to other companies for their employees well being.

To imagine a stroll path, think of sections of sidewalk with various raised patterns. One section consists of log-like concrete rolls to walk over. Another features embedded chipped marble. Another consists of large river rocks embedded in concrete.

(Just as tai chi exercises are pictured as a common sight in the parks of China, an American businessman who lives in Taiwan reports that Stroll Paths and people using them are a common sight in that country’s parks in the morning.)

See also suggestions contained in Reflexology, Health at Your Fingertips in the chapter, “Health Pathways”

The most comprehensive site about Foot and Hand Reflexology